Walmart Retail Center Proposed at Emerging Auto Mall in Southeast Valley

Walmart is planning to establish a sizable retail store in southeast Mesa, featuring various amenities like a drive-thru pharmacy and an auto care center. The project, part of a larger retail and auto mall development, is set to occupy about 17.6 acres. The proposed Walmart store aims to provide additional retail options to residents while generating sales tax revenue for the city. Concurrently, Sam’s Club, a division of Walmart, is considering a new location at Tempe Marketplace. The broader development in southeast Mesa, which includes auto dealerships and multifamily units, is expected to enhance housing and job opportunities, facilitated by the recently opened State Route 24 interchange. Meanwhile, another auto mall proposal, Gateway Auto Mall by Horne Auto Group, is progressing through the city’s approval process on the opposite side of State Route 24.

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